Shawano Hawk

Shawano is proud to host the WIAA Division 2, Level 1, football playoff game vs. Marinette on Friday, November 13, at 7PM.
This game is officially a WIAA managed event, and therefore WIAA policies for spectators and game management will be followed.  Please be aware of the following provisions of WIAA policy for this event:

  • Each team will be allowed up to four paid admissions for each member of the team party.  Coach Tomow will determine the official dress list that will be included in Shawano’s team party.
  • Starting at today’s practice, tickets will be sold in advance directly to the players through Coach Tomow.  Tickets are $6 each and checks can be made payable to SCHS.  Ticket sales will end at the conclusion of Thursday night’s practice.  Tickets will not be available for sale at the gate.
  • Tickets that are sold will not be refunded or replaced if they are lost.
  • When players purchase tickets from Coach Tomow, we are asking for the names of the end users of the tickets.  In the event we need to conduct contract tracing after the event, we will need a record of who was in attendance.  When ticket holders enter the stadium, they will report their name and be checked off the attendance list.
  • To expedite the process of checking spectators in and to help maintain social distancing, we are asking all Shawano ticket holders to enter and exit the stadium through the south gate.  Shawano spectators are asked to park in the NWTC lot and the lot immediately behind the press box.  Marinette spectators will park in the student parking lots to the north of the stadium and will enter and exit the stadium through the north gate adjacent to the concession stand.
  • The gates will open to spectators at 6:30PM.  Please do not arrive early.
  • Our bleachers are marked with red dots.  Parties from separate households are expected to sit at separate dots to practice social distancing.
  • We are making arrangements to bring in additional portable bleachers that will be added to the visitor’s side to expand our capacity for physical distancing.
  • Per WIAA policy, spectators are prohibited from having contact with athletes and coaches while in the stadium.
  • Spectators are asked to exit the stadium immediately after the conclusion of the game.  Please continue to practice social distancing as you exit.  Team parties from both schools will not exit the stadium until after all spectators have departed.
  • Masks must be worn to enter the stadium and must continue to be worn at all times while in the stadium.
  • Concessions will be available.
  • The game will be livestreamed on the Shawano Schools Facebook page.