Welcome to Shawano School District!
It is my honor to be serving as your Superintendent. In our district, we fully commit to our mission:
The Mission of the Shawano School District is to Engage, Empower, Educate, Every Student, Every Day, The Hawk Way.
Our community of learners begins with our recruitment and retention of qualified staff at every level. Our commitment to Professional Learning Communities (PLC) ensures that our teaching staff are planning and responding while delivering a guaranteed and viable curriculum. The provided instruction at the universal level and through data-driven intervention and enrichment instruction meets the needs of all the students.
We strive to educate our students by recognizing and addressing the social and emotional needs of our students by cultivating safe and welcoming environments and through providing a variety of activities beyond the learning in the classroom. These include fine arts opportunities, extracurricular clubs and activities, and athletic programs.
We are in our implementing our strategic plan which will guide our district. District leaders, members of our building leadership teams along with the Board of Education are committed to reviewing, reflecting, and using data to continue to measure and report our progress and carry out our mission.
We are a school district serving our community, families, and students. To learn more about our district, any of our schools, and programming we offer, I encourage you to reach out to anyone on our leadership team.
Thank you for visiting.
With Gratitude,
Kurt Krizan, Superintendent

Kurt Krizan, Superintendent
Email address: kkrizan@shawanoschools.org