Shawano School District

Online Registration

Welcome to the Shawano School District
On-Line Registration process.


Please read the instructions below to help you complete the necessary information needed for your child's registration.  Parents enrolling their children into Shawano School District for either the current school year or next school year can register online.   Please read the instructions carefully, as they will prepare you for your child's registration:

  1. When entering parent information, please enter the parent that you would like contacted first.  (In a situation of a split family, Family 1 should be the parent that would have placement for the child or where the child primarily sleeps.  We ask that you upload or provide a copy of the most recent court order for the child's Cum Folder.  Family 2 will be the second parent.  Please note that Skyward, our student information system, only allows one parent of a split family to have primary access.  This should be the parent that would have placement.  Both parents have control of their own private information.  In the situation where placement is 50/50, Family 1 should be the parent that you would like notified first.  Also, in a situation where one parent lives in the District and one parent lives out of the District, it is best to list the parent living in the District as Family 1.  If you choose or have a standing court order stating to have the parent living out of the District as Family 1, you will then need to register your child through the Open Enrollment process on the DPI website,

  1. Birth Certificate - Law prohibits the District to retain a copy this legal document, however, you may upload a copy into your child’s registration application or bring the document to the District Registrar, located in the District Office at Shawano High School for verification. The document will be verified then destroyed. NOTE: Do not supply a social securty card under any circumstane. We will not accept it.

  1. Proof of Residence - Each new family or parent of a new student, must provide Proof of Residence. Proof of Residence is needed prior to the child being enrolled in the Shawano School District.  You may upload a copy of any invoice or statement (i.e. electric bill) showing your name and address of your district residence into your child’s registration application or bring the document to the District Registrar, located in the District Office at Shawano High School for verification.

  1. Please note: If verification of Birth Certificate and Proof of Residence are not received prior to the first day of school, your child's registration will be processed, however, parents will not have access to Skyward until all necessary information has been received.  Questions or concerns may be directed to to the District Registrar, located in the District Office at Shawano High School.

To begin the On-Line registration process, click one of the links below. New families to the Shawano School District, click ‘New Families to SSD – Register Here’. If you are a current family who has a student attending Shawano School District, click ‘Current SSD Families Register Here’.

Registration Links are found below. There is one link for current families, those with students in the district, and new families, those looking to join Shawano School District.

Here are “How-to” Guides on how to complete the registration process:

Current SSD FamilyRegistration Guide

New SSD Family Registration Guide

For more information or if you have questions with the registration process please contact Cory Kaisler, District Registrar, at 715-526-3194, extension 8002.

Links to Online Registration

Current Family Registration

Families with students already in the district.

Click here to register your student using the online portal.

New Family Registration

New Families Registration

Click here to register your student using the online portal.