Welcome to the Shawano School District! The district has departments who support the district, community, staff, students and superintendent.

Buildings and Grounds
Shawn Mathwich, Director of Buildings and Grounds
In charge of overall maintenance and cleaning of the schools and property of the District. Supervise 31 district and contracted service personnel.

Curriculum and Instruction
Elisha Wagenson, Director of Instruction and Personalized Learning
Partners with teachers and principals to design and implement high quality learning experiences for all students through an innovative and comprehensive curriculum.

Pupil Services
Vacant, Director of Pupil Services
Oversees school counseling, nursing, psychology, social work and Special Education services, with the overall goal to address and remove all barriers to learning for students. Our team provides comprehensive services necessary to support student development in academic, career, and personal/social areas.

Enrollment Services & Welcome Center
Amy Popelka-District Registrar Specialist
This is a centralized facility where families can conveniently visit for various purposes but most commonly for Enrollment. We are committed to offering an outstanding entry into the Shawano School District. We assist with Enrollment, Skyward rights, updates and inquires, foodservice inquires. Student Skyward profiles are maintained through the Registrar Office and we serve as a point of contact for families.

Data Systems Coordinator & Open Enrollment Coordinator
Cory Kaisler
Manages the Enrollment Services & Welcome Center Office. Assists and supports the District Registrar in all aspects of the job. Oversees all data in the Skyward Student Management System, Open Enrollment and Direct Certification. Creates and maintains procedures for data gathering and entry. Ensures the integrity and accuracy of the data for State, Federal and District reporting. Establishes and manages data interactivity with various 3rd Party software programs to allow the Shawano School District to be efficient. Supports and trains district staff on how to use the Skyward System.

Business Office
Bryan Kadlec, Director of Finance
The Finance Department is responsible for managing the District's overall accounting and financial reporting. Some of these responsibilities are listed below.
safeguarding the District's assets
monitoring internal controls
determining long and short term borrowing needs

Human Resources
Janelle Schraufnagel, Director of Human Resources
Serves as a strategic partner in support of the academic mission of the Board of Education. We seek to attract a staff who are committed to engaging and inspiring our student population.

Community Education
Robyn Shingler, Director of Community Education
Supports schools and students by coordinating communication with families, staff, and our community. It is our vision to engage, connect, and inspire staff, parents, and community through trusted, creative, two-way communication.
You will find opportunities to develop a new skill, become an artist, learn new crafts, cultivate your gardens, enhance your health, learn about local history, develop musical talents, learn dance/yoga/run/swim, and discover other hidden talents and abilities!

Department of Technology Services
Lucas Koenig, Director of Technology Services
The Department of Instructional Technology is committed to supporting the district’s vision through its efforts to provide students with reliable access to technology and instructors who are trained in best practices of technology integration to ensure a learning environment focused on experiences that prepare students to be leaders.