Assessment - District Assessment Schedule
The Shawano School District administers various formative and summative assessments throughout the school year. The district's assessment windows for the 2024-25 school year are listed alphabetically below.
Some additional links and information for assessments:
All state-mandated assessments (ACCESS, ACT, AimswebPlus, DLM, PreACT, and Wisconsin Forward) will have parent letters, emails, and/or voice messages sent home before the assessment explaining the assessment and the dates for assessment. Once results are released, the district will send letters home with the scores. Once the overall district and school scores can be publicly released, the scores can be found on the WISEdash Public Portal:
WISEdash Public Support Site:
Additional state-mandated assessment information for the district can be found in this pdf []
Shawano School District State Report Card Results:
Please contact Jason Kuehl (Shawano School District Data & Assessment Coordinator) with any questions.
ACCESS for ELLs (A state-mandated assessment) - The assessment measures the English Language Proficiency of English learners (ELs) in grades K - 12. This assessment allows educators, students, and families to monitor students' progress in acquiring academic English in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Only students in the English Language Learner (ELL) program take the assessment.
Grades K-12 (When applicable, only ELL students)
Subject: ELA
Test Window: December 2, 2024 - January 31st, 2025
*If your student is in the ELL program, contact your ELL coordinator for more specific dates and information.
ACT Plus Writing Assessment (A state-mandated assessment) - An assessment to see if students are academically ready for college &/or career. The ACT can be used for college enrollment, scholarships, and NCAA eligibility requirements.
Grade 11
Subjects: ELA (English, Reading & Writing), Math, and Science
Test Window #1
March 11-14 & 17-21, 2025 (Online Administration & Accommodations)
The exact date for the general student body ACT assessment is currently scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2025, but this could change.
Historically, we have tested on the first day of window #1 or on Wednesday for early release
Students with accommodations may be tested on any of the days listed within the window.
Standard time testing will take approximately 4-5 hours.
(Only if necessary)
Test Window #2
March 25-28 & March 31-April 4, 2025 (Online Administration & Accommodations)
Test Window #3
April 8-11 & April 14-18, 2025 (Online Administration & Accommodations)
AimswebPlus (WI ACT 20 Screener, Early Literacy Assessment, a state-mandated assessment) - A grade 4K-3 universal literacy screener used to assess students' reading readiness. Mandated by state law starting in 2024-25. DPI Information:
Grade 4K-3 (Universal)
Subject: ELA
2024-25 Test Windows
Only for pilot [2 classrooms] for year 2024-25, future years will have all three windows
August 1, 2024 - October 17, 2024
December 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025
March 16, 2025 - July 31, 2025
Beginning in 2025, the fall administration will now be a required administration for grades 4K-3. The fall screener should be administered no more than 45 calendar days after the beginning of the district's school year. The spring screener should be administered on or before the 45th day prior to the last day of the school year.
2025-26 Test Windows
August 1, 2025 - October 24, 2025
December 1, 2025 - January 30, 2026
March 16, 2026 - May 8, 2026
Concepts of Print (Teacher's College) - A grade K local assessment used to assess students' concept of print.
Grade K (Diagnostic, only as needed)
Subject: ELA
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) (A state-mandated assessment) - An alternative State Test instead of the Wisconsin Forward Exam, ACT Aspire, or ACT Plus Writing. The DLM is for students with Intellectual Disabilities. In order to take the DLM a student must have it specified in his/her Individualized Education Plan. Usually, this is for only up to 1% of the student population.
Grades 3-11 (When applicable)
Subjects: ELA (English, Reading & Writing), Math, Science (Grades 4 & 8-11), and Social Studies (Grades 4, 8 & 10).
Test Window: March 17th - April 25th, 2025*
*Each school/individual will be scheduled at different times. If this assessment applies to your student, please talk to his/her case managers for more specific details and dates.
Fact Fluency Interview (FFI) - Assesses students on math fluency for basic facts. Students may test out early. A student needs to have two consecutive tests at the highest level to test out.
Grades 1-5 (Diagnostic, only as needed)
Subject: Math (Addition & Subtraction Grades 1-5; Multiplication/Division Grades 3-5)
Heggerty Letter ID - The assessment is used to find the student's Letter ID level.
Grade 4K-1 (Diagnostic, only as needed)
Subject: ELA
Heggerty Letter Sounds - The assessment is used to find the student's Letter Sounds level.
Grade K-1 (Diagnostic, only as needed)
Subject: ELA
Heggerty Phonemic Awareness - The assessment is used to find the student's phonemic awareness levels.
Grade 4K-5 (Diagnostic, only as needed)
Subject: ELA
i-Ready Assessment - Used to universally screen students in reading and math.
Grades K-8, except students that take the DLM
Subject: Reading & Math
Testing Windows
Universal (Grades K-8, except students that take the DLM)
Fall (Universal)
Sept. 9-27, 2024 (Grades K-8)
Winter (Universal)
Dec. 9-Feb. 12, 2025 (Grades K-3 for ACT 20 Diagnostic Testing)
Jan. 6-Feb. 12, 2025 (Grades 4-8)
Spring (Universal)
April 29-May 21, 2025 (Grades K-8)
i-Ready Literacy Tasks - Used as a literacy diagnostic for specific tasks in literacy.
Grades 4K-8 (Diagnostic, as needed)
Subject: ELA
Literacy Tasks Include:
Letter Naming Fluency
Lowercase (LNF-L)
Mixed case (LNF-M)
Uppercase (LNF-U)
Letter Sound Fluency
Lowercase (LSF-L)
Mixed case (LSF-M) [Can be used for progress monitoring]
Uppercase (LNF-U)
Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) - Grades 1-6 [Can be used for progress monitoring]
Phonological Awareness
Onset-Rime (PA-OR)
Phoneme Blending (PA-PB)
Phoneme Manipulation (PA-PM)
Phoneme Segmentation (PA-PS)
Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PA-PSF) [Can be used for progress monitoring]
Syllables (PA-S)
Pseudoword Decoding - Fluency (PD-F) [Can be used for progress monitoring]
Rapid Automatized Naming
Colors (RAN-C)
Letters (RAN-L)
Numbers (RAN-N)
Objects (RAN-O)
Spelling & Encoding (SE) - Grades 1-3
Word Recognition Fluency (WRF) - Grades K-3 [Can be used for progress monitoring]
Letter ID (Teacher's College) - A grade 4K - 1 local assessment used to assess students on letter identification.
Grades 4K-1 (Diagnostic, only as needed)
Subject: ELA
Letter Sounds (Teacher's College) - A grade 4K - 1 local assessment used to assess students on letter sounds.
Grades K-1 (Diagnostic, only as needed)
Subject: ELA
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) - NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, NAEP assessments are conducted annually in reading and mathematics, with additional subjects tested each year such as science, writing, U.S. history, civics, geography, technology, and engineering literacy, the arts, and other subjects. NAEP collects and reports academic achievement at the national level and for certain assessments, at the state and district levels.
The assessment is only completed in the Shawano School District when requested by NAEP. It is usually for specific grades and tests and happens infrequently.
For the 2024-2025 School Year, our district has not been selected.
This assessment is only administered when selected by NAEP for participation and is administered by NAEP.
Number Development Assessment, Part 1 (NDAp1) - Used to find number sense levels for a student.
Grades 4K-5 (Diagnostic, only as necessary)
Subject: Math
preACT Assessment (Adminstered locally in the Fall) - A college &/or career-readiness assessment for freshman and sophomore students.
Grades 9 & 10
Subjects: ELA (English, Reading), Math, and Science
Test Window: Fall Only
Scheduled Date: Sept. 25, 2024
Assessment is taken online - Standard and Accommodations
The testing will take approximately 3.5 hours.
Students with accommodations may take the assessment on a different day within the window.
preACT Secure Assessment (A state-mandated assessment) - A college &/or career-readiness assessment for freshman and sophomore students.
Grades 9 & 10
Subjects: ELA (English, Reading), Math, and Science
Test Window: Spring
March 17 - April 25, 2025 (Online Administration & Accommodations)
The tentative date for the general student body PreACT Secure assessment is currently scheduled for Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
Assessment is taken online - Standard and Accommodations
The testing will take approximately 3 - 3.5 hours. The tests are a little shorter than the ACT and there is no writing section.
Students with accommodations may take the assessment on a different day within the window.
Wisconsin Forward Exam (A state-mandated assessment) - A state-mandated assessment for students in grades 3-8. Students will take the assessment online in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics, and in science at grades 4 and 8, and social studies at grades 4, 8, and 10.
Grades: 3-8, 10 (As applicable)
Subjects: ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies
Grade 3, 5, 6, 7 - ELA & Math Only
Grade 4, 8 - ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies
Grade 10 - Social Studies Only (The students take the preACT Secure assessment for the other subjects)
Test Window: March 17 - April 25, 2025
Each school will assess using different schedules to get the assessments completed during the window. More information will be sent to parents when it becomes available.
Words Their Way Primary Spelling - A grade 1-5 assessment used to assess students' spelling.
Grades 1-5 (Universal)
Subject: ELA