Posoh! Koolamalsi! Boozhoo! Hanicara haipi!
Welcome to Shawano School District's Title VI Indian Education Program!
What is Act 31?
We continue to provide support in regards to Wisconsin Act 31 training on Wisconsin's First Nations history, culture, and sovereignty. As a result of tensions between Native and non-Native peoples over Ojibwe treaty rights, in 1989 Wisconsin legislators passed an initiative to promote Wisconsin First Nations education in our public schools. This policy required education of students on Wisconsin First Nations history, culture, and tribal sovereignty. The State budgetary funds appropriated to accomplish this are used to hire staff, develop curriculum, and obtain/develop classroom resource materials, provide teacher training, and hold conferences and workshops to promote and support First Nations instruction in Wisconsin's public schools. (Wisconsin Educational Act 31)
Who Are We?
Title VI is a driven community of parents, educators, administrators, and community member advocates serving the Shawano School District American Indian populations. The Parent Advisory Committee meets several times throughout the school year to lead the Indian Education initiatives for the year. At this time, the group is focusing on Strategic Planning for upcoming programmatic direction. We want to increase family advocacy and build relationships with the community. The committee is also working on Communications and Outreach and Professional Development.
Menominee Culture Museum Visit 3rd Grade Olga Brener

Title VI Alumni Panel Discussion and Display Case SCHS

Cultural Apparel Day SCHS

Native American Flute Lessons at SCMS with Wade Fernandez

Ria Thundercloud and "Finding My Dance" Hillcrest/LEADS and Olga Brener

Title VI Staff and Student Representative Reading of "Fry Bread" written by Kevin Noble Millard Hillcrest/LEADS & Olga Brener